Sunday, June 21, 2009

Iranian Regime Brings me out of Reclusion for Human Rights

Hello ladies and gentlemen, I haven't posted recently due to illness and in all honesty I was project for international communication. My decision to return is not related to trafficking of drugs/small arms, or even the refugee crisis continuing across the silk road. I will try to explicate the tragedy which is clash of hope and desperation coursing through the veins of Iran's Majority. A combination of young progressive Iranians who are gasping for the air of freedom without the fear of fundamentalism, and the desire to see a brighter day for Iran; A day without anguish perpetuated through the tyrannical comments & policies of the current Regime. Well that brighter day has been eclipsed when the presidential dictation...(I meant election) had been fixed & the presidency stolen; when I say fixed I meant the votes were "counted" before the ballots were created; when mentioning stolen I am speaking terms of of a 3/1 ratio for presidential candidate Mir Hossein Musavi, the current *Fuhrer Mahmoud Ahmedinejad. (*For those who aren't savvy to the term Fuhrer, it was the term used to address Adolf Hitler by his Nazi legion) I digress, it isn't purpose to give lunatics any more publicity but instead to expose the injustice facing the silent majority, and their incredible dignity, bravery, and solidarity through protests against intolerance, violence, and degradation of women. This valor shown by Musavi supporters, is a true testimate to their thirst for inalienable human rights and liberation from the Mullah's grip on Irian society. So I say to those brave souls Vive L' Iran Neuvou! (Long live a new Iran).

If you made it all the way through this post I thank you for enduring my wreck less banter while approaching my destination ha ha. Now and then it takes the strength someone of else to find the strength in yourself.

1 comment:

  1. Max hi there its Nicole Calandro! I've found you! Interesting Blog im proud that your passionate about it! Hope all is well email me I want to catch up.
