Monday, March 16, 2009

ECO: Binding Iranian-Afghan relations against Drugs

Pic from: MSNBC

The Economic Cooperation Organization (A.K.A: ECO) is being proposed to Iran and Pakistan in order to provide relief to Afghanistan. The organization would bind the three countries and require the sharing of technology, building of railroads and roadways, and providing shelter to those in need among the three nations. Iran's main incentive to comply and participate in building this "bridge" so to speak. Why would a fairly organized nation provide assistance and intervention to neighboring countries which are the cause of many of Iran's current drug and population problems? Well the short-term answer is that Iran will be able to curb the heroin trafficking by more ably securing the borders and countryside in Afghanistan. The long-distance answer is that it will eventually strengthen all three nations and provide unprecedented economic growth and unity among these neighbors. A "Triple Threat"of sorts (no pun intended). Lets hope this plan goes the distance and stability can restored to the region, as well as peace!!!

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