Saturday, February 28, 2009

Prostitution in Iran

Video from:
The video above shows a dark side of life for Iranian women who have to turn to prostitution to support their children and themselves. These women are usually not married and have fallen on hard times, and because it is extremely difficult for women to get jobs if they have children out of wedlock or were born into poverty. None the less sex out of wedlock is a very severe crime itself, and prostitution can be punishable by death. Stoning is the common procedure, a process in which stones are thrown that the victim by locals a stone doesn't usually cause the death blow, but instead the accumulation of stones will eventually crush the body under that amount of weight. So with sanctions like these on prostitution, imagine how desperate these women must really be... That's all for now friends, I would like to mention that we have to respect cultural laws but how we help these women find another system of support???

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Afghan Refugees trapped along the border

Pic from :
This is yet another example of the difficult circumstances that both Iran and Afghanistan face. To the right, is a picture of Afghan refugees camping along the border's of Iran. Unfortunately this scene is not unique and we could take a million other pictures of similar living conditions for each Afghan citizen trapped between a country who can't support the influx of refugees (Iran, Pakistan), and a home that may no longer exist...(Afghanistan)

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Nuclear Iran is feeling the heat

Recently Iran's ongoing nuclear interests have come under even more international scrutiny. Reports leaked about Iran's Nuclear program indicate the country has been able to refine uranium to about 40 percent, more than is necessary for safe nuclear energy. If these reports are correct, the uranium content has to reach a little more than double at 88-92 percent purity to become useful in nuclear warhead...Scary Sh*t. Now although it seems like they have a ways to go, it is making neighboring countries and the international community very nervous because the country is continuing to seek weapons grade uranium and the less than friendly relationship with Israeli, the U.S Occupation of Neighboring Iraq and Afghanistan. Let's hope that reports which I heard on a Nationally syndicated News talk radio program, are a little pun intended!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Iran's growing addiction

(Heroin Addict smoking in an Alley)
Photo from:

Hey my friends. I am delving into the Iran's crisis dealing with the highest rate of heroin addiction per ca pita in the world. This growing issue is due to the onslaught of heroin and raw opium, making its way into Iran from Afghanistan via the Silk Road. The problem has become so bad that the Iranian government is setting up Methadone clinics across the nation is order to curb the destruction being wreaked upon the nation. Methadone, for those who don't know is a regulated oral substitute to heroin which provides addicts relief from cravings and withdrawals. I will continue my search to understand the magnitude of this problem in the near future.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Corruption and Chaos: Human and Drug Trafficking leaking into Iran

Hey guys this is my first blog post ever, and I am really excited to share my thoughts and hear your responses. As you may or may not know I am trying to bring awareness of the growing problem of heroin and human trafficking along the Silk Road, and leaking into Iran's borders from Afghanistan. Hopefully I can learn, and inform about how this crisis is affecting both Middle-Eastern Countries. I'll be updating soon, till then à bientôt (Good Day)!